Savings Rates


Share Savings Rates

Account Type Account Balance APY*
Share "Savings" $100.00 - $4,999.99 0.05%
  $5,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.05%
  $25,000.00 and up 0.10%
Youth Shares N/A 0.30%
Club Savings N/A 0.20%

Certificate of Deposit Rates

Min. Balance Max Balance Term APY*
$250.00 $250,000/00 90 Days 0.25%
$250.00 $250,000/00 6 Months 0.25%
$250.00 $250,000/00 12 Months 0.50%
$250.00 $250,000/00 18 Months 0.50%
$250.00 $250,000/00 24 Months 0.75%

APY* = Annual Percentage Yield


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Loan Rates


Loan Rates

Loan Type Loan Term APR*
New Auto Up to 72 months 2.00% - 10.00%
Used Auto Up to 72 months 2.50% - 12.00%
RV Loans are also available, please call for rates.
Home Equity Mortgage Loans** 5 years 3.50%
$5,000 - $200,000 10 years 4.00%
80% Equity Available 15 years 4.25%
Share Secured Loans Up to 5 years 2.00%
Personal / Unsecured Loans Up to 5 years 5.00 - 18.00%%

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates given require automatic payment deduction. Without automatic payment deduction, add 50 basis points. ** Non-refundable application fee due at time of application for home equity loan.


Visa Rates

Minimum Credit Limit $500
Maximum Credit Limit $10,000
Fixed Interest Rate 9.90%

No annual fee! No fee for transferring balances of higher interest rate cards!

Fee Schedule

Type of Fee Current Fee Amount
Membership Fee $5.00 per member
Membership Closing Fee (within 90 days of opening) $10.00
Check Printing cost
NSF Fee $35.00
Automatic Overdraft (Transfer) Fee $5.00 / transfer
Stop Payment $25.00 / item
Share Draft Copy $2.00 / check
Interim Statement Printout $2.00 per quarter
NSF Returned Deposit Items (by Member) $35.00 / item
NSF Returned Deposit Items (from others) $15.00 / item
Reconciliation / Account Research $15.00 / hour
Cashiers Checks (1 free/business day) $5.00 / check
Christmas Club / Tax Savings Early Withdrawal $5.00 / withdrawal
ACH Returns (Stop Payment) $25.00 / item
ACH Returns (NSF) $35.00 / item
Wire Transfers (Outgoing) $15.00
Wire Transfers (Incoming) $2.00
Funds Verification $5.00 / request
Notary Service no charge
Loan Refinancing (0 – 3 months) $50.00
Loan Refinancing (4 – 6 months) $25.00
Loan Refinancing ($0 – $249 money disbursed) $75.00
Skip-a-Pay Fee $30.00
Subpeona / Restraining Notice / IRS Levy $25.00 / occurrence
10 Day Late Loan Payment Fee $20.00
Home Equity Application Fee Varies by county
Title Encumbrance Fee Fee set by state of PA
Express Mail $30.00
Monthly Inactive/Dormant Account Fee $5.00
Visa Check Card Replacement $5.00
Fax Fee $1.00 per page
Address Change on Returned Mail $5.00 / change